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Our Corporate Responsibility Report captures the specific progress we’ve made in the past year, as well as data and metrics to help quantify the value of our initiatives in areas we believe will drive value over the long term. It’s part of our commitment to remain accountable to our mission and to our stakeholders — our customers, team members, communities and investors.

We’ve aggregated the key metrics from our latest report into the table below for transparency. All data included is as of December 31, 2023. For additional information about Commerce Bancshares' financial performance, please refer to our quarterly earnings materials as well as quarterly and annual reports on Form 10-Q and Form 10-K, respectively.


Data Metric Description 12/31/2023
Secure shred paper recycling Metric tons of paper recycled by the bank's primary recycling vendor. 557.7
Recycled material Metric tons of computer hardware recycled by the bank's primary recycling vendor. 5.7
Percent of branches retrofitted with LED lighting Percentage of branches with upgraded interior and exterior LED lighting. Does not include corporate structures or regional HQ facilities. 100%
Percent of branches with installed solar panels Percentage of branches with installed solar panels, expressed as a percentage of total branch count. 10%
Number of kWhs of clean energy produced (solar panels installed at branches) Number of kWhs produced by solar panels installed at branches. 560,589
Number of Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging Stations Number of stations installed and maintained on bank property. 23
Number of Charging Sessions Number of reported EV charging sessions that customers or other members of the public completed during the year. 10,882


Data Metric Description 12/31/2023
Employee Engagement Score Employee Engagement Score, defined as the "want to" of work, is an indicator that employees are committed to the organization and are willing to put in extra effort for the good of the organization. The result is captured anonymously during the annual employee survey conducted by an independent third party. 81%
Employee Enablement Score Employee Enablement Score, defined as the "can do" of work, is an indicator that employees' skills and abilities are fully utilized in their roles and the organizational environment supports them in getting their work done. The result is captured anonymously during the annual employee survey conducted by an independent third party. 79%
Employee Sense of Belonging Sense of Belonging is an indicator that measures the level of connectedness team members feel to the organization. The result is captured anonymously during the annual employee survey conducted by an independent third party. 84%
Employee Diversity & Inclusion Percentage of gender and racial/ethnic group representation for (1) executive management, (2) executive and senior management, (3) mid-level management, and (4) all employees.  

Percent of women represented:


Executive Management (%)


Executive and Senior Management (%)


Mid-Level Management (%)


All Employees (%)


Percent of people of color represented:


Executive Management (%)


Executive and Senior Management (%)


Mid-Level Management (%)


All Employees (%)

Workforce Age and Tenure Demographics Percentage of tenure and generation distribution for all employees.  

Employee tenure distribution as a percent of all employees:


Less than 1 year (%)


1 to 5 years (%)


5 to 15 years (%)


More than 15 years (%)


Employee distribution by generation as a percent of all employees:


Baby Boomers (%)


Generation X (%)


Millennials (%)


Generation Z (%)

Corporate Equality Index for LGBTQ equality in workplaces Score as reported by Human Rights Campaign Foundation. Maximum score possible is 100 points. 90
Employee Participation in Racial Equity Training initiatives or classes Number of events and attendees for Unconscious Bias Training and Awareness Workshops.  

Sessions (#)


Attendees (#)

Number of Employee Resource Group (ERG) events held Number of ERG events during the year. 158
Employee participation in Employee Resource Group (ERG) events Number of participants in ERG events. 5,896
Employee Resource Group (ERG) Membership Number of employee members of each ERG. Some employees may be a member of more than one ERG.  





RISE (#)


VIBE (#)





  Employees belonging to at least one ERG. 2,064
Employee Satisfaction with Total Rewards compensation package Employee satisfaction as indicated through recurring surveys conducted by internal and external groups. 80%
E2E (Employee) Foundation assistance provided and # of employees receiving assistance Total number of employees receiving assistance and amount distributed to employees by the E2E Foundation.  

Employees receiving assistance (#)


Amount distributed to employees ($)

Philanthropic Investment by Commerce Bancshares Foundation Total count and amount of grants awarded by the Commerce Bancshares Foundation.  

Payments awarded (#)


Payments awarded ($)

# of hours of Team Member Paid Time Off to Volunteer Total number of Volunteer Time Off (VTO) hours Commerce commits to supporting for employees to volunteer in their communities. More than 36,500
# of Non-Profit Organizations Supported by Commerce Employees Number of non-profit Boards having at least 1 Commerce employee self-reporting on the Annual Officer Survey. 520
Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) Rating The bank's most recent CRA rating. Outstanding
Home Mortgage Lending Home loans outstanding to low- and moderate-income (LMI) borrowers, LMI geographies, minority borrowers and/or majority-minority geographies. ($ in Millions) $200.7
Small Business Lending Loans outstanding to small businesses and small farms with revenues less than $1 million. ($ in Millions) $177.0
Community Development Lending Loans outstanding to support affordable housing, small business growth, and nonprofits that support low- and moderate-income (LMI) communities. ($ in Billions) $1.3
Enterprise Customer Relationship Score The Customer Relationship Score (CRS) is a composite score derived from feedback across 3 critical dimensions of customer loyalty — 1) Overall Satisfaction, 2) Likelihood to Recommend, and 3) Likelihood to Repurchase. Maximum score possible is 100%. 89%


Data Metric Description 12/31/2023
Composition of Board of Directors Diversity for Commerce Bancshares, Inc. Board of Directors.  

Gender representation:


Women (#)


Men (#)


Directors identified as Diverse (gender, racial, ethnic):


Independent vs Non-Independent:


Independent (%)


Non-Independent (%)

Annual Ethics Training Active employees that completed required Ethics Training. 100%

Organizational Metrics

Data Metric Description 12/31/2023
Total Assets Total assets ($ in Billions) $31.7

Ranking based on total assets among publicly traded U.S. Banks.

Market Capitalization Total Market Capitalization ($ in Billions) $7.0

Ranking based on market cap among publicly traded U.S. Banks.

Trust Assets Under Management Trust Assets Under Management (AUM) ($ in Billions) $41.2

Ranking among U.S. bank-managed trust companies; Regulated U.S. depositories, which includes commercial banks, bank holding companies, and credit unions.

Total Deposits Total Deposits ($ in Billions) $25.4
Total Loans Total Loans (incl. HFS) ($ in Billions) $17.2
Rank of Commercial Card Issuers Based on Top 50 U.S. Banks by asset size as of 2021 and Nilson Report rankings. 12th
Baseline Credit Assessment Credit rating as reported in Moody's U.S. Banking Quarterly Updates. a2
Number of Branches Number of physical branches across Commerce Bank's geographic footprint. 141
Number of ATMs Number of ATMs across Commerce Bank geographic footprint. 272
Number of Full-Time Equivalent Employees Number of full-time equivalent (FTE) employees. 4,718
Mobile App Rating Rating by mobile customers in App Store, expressed as number of Stars, on a scale of 1-5. Rating by mobile customers in Google Play, on a scale of 1-5.  

App Store (#)


Google (#)


For more information, download our Corporate Responsibility Report.[PDF]


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