Personal Loans
Flexible Personal Loans
Borrow for what you need when you need it.
Borrow the money you need for a big purchase or to reach your financial goal.
Whether you’re looking to consolidate debt, refinance a loan or to pay for a larger expense – such as a wedding, vacation or medical expense — we can help with a personal loan with competitive rates and fixed monthly payments. With minimum loan amounts starting at $7,000 you can choose the term you’re most comfortable with. Loans are available with or without collateral. Whatever loan you choose, you’ll experience an easy and fast approval process that starts with a few clicks through our online application.
Personal Loans
Save 0.25% off your interest rate
For having your payment automatically deducted from your Commerce checking or savings account.1
An additional 0.25% is available when $7,000 or more of the loan is refinanced from another lender.1
Personal Loan Calculators
We're here when you need us.
Ideas & Tips
- Rate discount of 0.25% for automatic payment from a Commerce checking or saving account. Mortgages and dealer loans are not eligible to receive the personal loan discounts. Additional 0.25% rate discount if refinancing $7,000 or more of debt from another lender. Additional refinancing option is limited to one per new installment loan and is not applicable to Commerce credit card or loan account payoffs. Subject to credit approval.
Rates are subject to change. These rates are available only for unsecured personal loans. Your APR will be determined based on creditworthiness. Must be 18 years or older to apply.