Identity Theft Services
Protecting your identity is more important than ever.
What steps are you taking to safeguard your identity? Our ID theft tools support you if identity fraud occurs and begin working to help you recover quickly1.
Commerce ID Recover
For you and your household1
To subscribe to Identity Theft Protection:
- Log in to Commerce Online Banking.
- Go to your Account Summary screen.
- Click on “Subscribe to ID Theft Services.”
- You will then be taken to the ID Theft Services subscription page.
Commerce ID Monitor
For you and one designated household member4
To subscribe to Identity Theft Protection:
- Log in to Commerce Online Banking.
- Go to your Account Summary screen.
- Click on “Subscribe to ID Theft Services.”
- You will then be taken to the ID Theft Services subscription page.
Commerce ID Recover

With ID Recover you receive 24/7 Live Support and up to $25,000 in ID Theft Reimbursement2 for you and your household after an Identity Theft Event8. Additional features for you include:
Password Manager3 - Encrypt and store user IDs and passwords
Online Identity Vault9 - Encrypt and store sensitive information and documents
Tips and Timely News10 - Emailed breach and fraud news alerts, plus a monthly activity report
Mobile App - Identity management on demand
To subscribe to Identity Theft Protection:
- Log in to Commerce Online Banking.
- Go to your Account Summary screen.
- Click on “Subscribe to ID Theft Services.”
- You will then be taken to the ID Theft Services subscription page.
Commerce ID Monitor

Commerce ID Monitor provides recovery support after an identity theft event, along with proactive monitoring and protection for you and one designated household member4. Receive all Commerce ID Recover services, plus:
Mobile Attack Control5 - Scans your mobile device for malware and spyware
Credit Monitoring6 - Daily scans of credit report
Dark Web Monitoring7 - Daily monitoring of dark web chat rooms
VPN (Virtual Private Network) - Encrypt your mobile device's internet connection
To subscribe to Identity Theft Protection:
- Log in to Commerce Online Banking.
- Go to your Account Summary screen.
- Click on “Subscribe to ID Theft Services.”
- You will then be taken to the ID Theft Services subscription page.
Identity theft services are available to Commerce Checking Account customers.
Don’t have a Commerce Bank Checking Account?
Commerce Bank works with Deluxe® ProventSM and EZShield to offer you peace of mind and 24/7 live support
when you need it most1.
- To be eligible for Commerce ID Recover and Commerce ID Monitor, you must have a Commerce personal checking account, reside in the United States or its territories, and be a legal adult in your state of residence. The Service applies to the Commerce personal checking account holder and the spouse or domestic partner (a person who, although not legally married to the registered Customer, has cohabitated with the Customer for a period of at least one (1) year and is publicly represented as the Customer’s domestic partner in the community in which they reside), dependent children under the age of 21 who live with the Customer and dependent children under the age of 25 who are full-time students, as determined by IRS dependency requirements.
- Up to $25,000 reimbursement for identity theft related expenses. Please refer to the Terms and Conditions for additional reimbursement requirements provided by AIG.
- Keep your user IDs and passwords in one encrypted location for easy access from your phone.
- Limited to one person you designate: your spouse, domestic partner or dependent child. Please see “Affiliated Persons” in Terms and Conditions for more information.
- Mobile Attack Control includes mobile device threat detection and access to a VPN (Virtual Private Network).
- Proactive monitoring through daily scans of your credit file.
- Proactive monitoring by scanning for your personal information on the internet/dark web.
- The use of your name, address, Social Security number, bank or credit card account number, or other identifying information without your knowledge to commit fraud or other crimes.
- Encrypted data storage for uploading and storing personal documents.
- Breach and fraud news alerts; monthly reports.
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